Eine Frau steht am Main, im Hintergrund sieht man die Skyline von Frankfurt

Study in Hessen

The State of Hessen is situated in the heart of the Federal Republic of Germany and is home to some of the country's leading universities and research institutes, all of which are within easy reach of Frankfurt am Main, Germany's financial and banking center.

Institutions of higher education

Hessen has fourteen state institutions of higher education, comprising six universities, three art academies, and five universities of applied sciences (Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften). There are also a number of state-recognized institutions of higher education run by non-state bodies. All institutions of higher education welcome international students. An increasing number of universities offer courses taught in English, as well as courses at undergraduate and graduate level leading to the internationally recognized BA, BSc and MA degrees. Universities also award PhDs. The institutions of higher education in Hessen teach and carry out research in all major disciplines, maintaining a high standard of excellence. They are well known both for their academic reputation and for their first-class facilities. Their strong teaching and research tradition attracts highly qualified students from all over the world.

Find out more about the institutions of higher education in Hessen and what they have in offer for you. We look forward to welcoming you in Hessen!

Should you be planning to study in Germany or Hessen in particular, your first and most important point of contact is the international office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) or the student services center (Studierendensekretariat/Studienservice) at the university of your choice. Please find the contact details below.

International offices

If you have any questions about studying in Hessen, please contact the international office of your target university.

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
International Office
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 / 798 3838
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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Goethestraße 58, 35390 Gießen
+49 (0)641/99-12137
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Philipps-Universität Marburg
International Office
Deutschhausstr. 11+13, 35032 Marburg
+49 (0)6421/28-26176
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Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hochschulstraße 1 64289 Darmstadt
+49 (0)6151/16-5120
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Universität Kassel
Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel
+49 (0)561/804-2103
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Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
International Office: Gebäude 1, Erdgeschoss, 60318 Frankfurt am Main.
+49 (0)69/1533-2735
Postadresse: Nibelungenplatz 1, 60318 Frankfurt
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Hochschule Darmstadt
International Office Building C23
Schöfferstraße 3, 64295 Darmstadt
+49 (0)6151/ 533-68069
Postadresse: Schöfferstr. 3, 64295 Darmstadt

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Hochschule Fulda
International Office
Leipziger Str. 119, 36039 Fulda
+49 (0)661/9640-148
Postadresse: International Office, Marquardstraße 35 36039 Fulda
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Hochschule RheinMain
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, 65197 Wiesbaden
+49 (0)611/9495-1570
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Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Referat für Auslandsbeziehungen
Studien-Informations-Centrum (SIC), Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, 35390 Gießen
+49 (0)641 / 309-1321
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Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main
International Office
Schlossstrasse 31
D-63065 Offenbach am Main
+49 (0)69 / 800 59 - 149
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Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main
Akademische Auslandsstelle / International Office
Eschersheimer Landstraße 29-39, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69/154007-256
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Martina Cooper
+49 (0)69 / 60 50 08-29
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Hochschule Geisenheim University
International Office
65366 Geisenheim
+49 (0)6722 502 718
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Evangelische Hochschule
International Office
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Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
International Advisory
+49 (0)69/ 154008-613
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Hochschule Fresenius
Limburger Strasse 2, 65510 Idstein
+49 (0)61 26 / 93 52-0
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For all questions concerning admission, please contact the university of your choice directly. All necessary information on application and admission procedures will be provided by the universities. They will examine your higher education entrance qualification and your German language skills. If the documents provided do not suffice, students from abroad will be required to take an exam (Feststellungsprüfung).

Feststellungsprüfung (Entrance Exam)

When the International Office or the Studierendensekretariat examine your higher education entrance qualification and your German language skills and consider those to be not sufficient, you will be required to take an exam (Feststellungsprüfung). Preparation courses for this exam are offered by four study centres (Studienkollegs) in Hessen.

Study centres

Poststrasse 5
D-64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 (0)6151 / 3979940
e-mail: kolleg@stk.tu-darmstadt.de

Bockenheimer Landstrasse 76
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69 / 798-25250/ -25240
e-mail: studienkolleg@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Bunsenstraße 3
D-35032 Marburg
Phone: +49 (0)6421 / 28-26271, -26015
e-mail: wiecha@studienkolleg-mittelhessen.de

Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
D-34125 Kassel
Phone: +49 (0)561 / 804-7384, -7387
e-mail: studkoll@uni-kassel.de


The universities in Hessen offer a wide range of disciplines and programs of study. For more information, please contact the university of your choice directly.

There is no doubt that getting a handle on German – a language spoken by over 90 million native speakers around the world – is a major advantage to coming to Hessen to study, but fluency in German is no longer a prerequisite for many degree programs.

Feel free to browse our programs that are taught in English.

Classes in English

Faculties offering classes taught in English at Hessen Universities

  • Law and Economics
  • History and Social Sciences
  • Human Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Materials- and Geosciences
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Computer Science

Semester dates:

Winter semester: 1 October to 31 March

Summer semester: 1 April to 30 September

  • Law
  • Economics and Business Administration
  • Social Sciences
  • Educational Sciences
  • Psychology and Sports
  • Protestant Theology
  • Roman Catholic Theology
  • Philosophy and History
  • Linguistics, Cultural Studies and Art
  • Modern Languages
  • Geoscience and Geography
  • Computer Sciences and Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Pharmacy
  • Biosciences
  • Medical Sciences

Semester dates:

Winter semester: Mid-October to mid-February

Summer semester: Mid-April to mid-July

Important: Please contact the respective faculty directly, in order to receive information about exam schedules. Exams may be held after the lecture period has ended.

  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of History and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Computing Science and Information Technology, Physics, Geography
  • Faculty of Biology and Chemistry
  • Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Professional and Interdisciplinar

Semester dates

Winter semester: 1 October to 31 March

Summer semester: 1 April to 30 September

  • Faculty of Human Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • School of Art and Design

Semester dates:

Winter semester: Mid-October until end of March

Summer semester: Beginning of April until end of September

  • Business Administration and Economics
  • Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • Protestant Theology
  • History and Cultural Studies
  • German Studies and Arts
  • Foreign Languages and Cultures
  • Mathematics and Computer Sciences
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Medicine
  • Education

Semester dates:

Winter semester: Mid-October until end of March

Summer semester: Beginning of April until end of September

  • Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geomatics
  • Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering
  • Faculty of Business and Law
  • Faculty of Health and Social Work

Semester dates

Winter semester: Beginning of September until end of February

Summer semester: Beginning of March until end of July

  • Darmstadt Business School
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Faculty of Design
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Social Work
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering
  • Faculty of Media

Semester dates

Winter semester: September to February

Summer semester: March to August

  • Department of Applied Computer Science
  • Department of Business
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department of Food Technology
  • Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Department of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Science
  • Department of Social and Cultural Sciences
  • Department of Social Work
  • German and English Language Courses

Semester dates:

Winter semester: Mid of October to the end of February

Summer semester: Beginning of April to the end of July

  • Business Administration B.A.
  • Business Information Systems/Computing B.Sc.
  • Logistics Management B.Sc.
  • Control, Computer and Communications Engineering M.Sc.

Semester dates

Winter semester: Beginning of October until end of March

Summer semester: Beginning of April until end of September

Detailed information on the courses is available on request.

Semester dates:

Winter semester: October 1 to March 31; Lectures from mid-October to mid-February

Summer semester: April 1 to September 30; Lectures from mid-April to mid-July

Detailed information on the courses is available on request.

Semester dates:

Winter semester: Mid-October to mid-February

Summer semester: Mid-April to mid-July


Detailed information on the courses is available on request.

Semester dates

Winter semester: Mid-October to mid-February

Summer semester: Mid-April to mid-July

In order for you to get a taste of STUDY IN HESSEN at times that best fit your schedule, we have designed several short-term study programs that run during summer, winter or for a longer period of time.

Our programs

IWU: Ready for an unforgettable winter experience in Hessen? If you answered this question with yes, join the International Winter University! The programs take place every year between December and January and include an excellent academic teaching, various networking options as well as exciting field trips. All courses are conducted in English.

Learn more about the IWU

ISU: Enjoy the European summer during one of our short-term programs and discover exciting locations all over the state of Hessen. The programs take place between June and August and include high quality academic teaching, various networking options and exciting field trips.

Learn more about the ISU

Summer Programs
Summer Language Schools
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurter Sommerkurse

Learn more about this programÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster

Justus Liebig University Gießen
International Summer Course

Learn more about this programÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster

A semester or academic year offers the opportunity to experience Europe, Germany and especially the State of Hessen along with high-quality academics and great quality of life. Increase your knowledge about Germany and your proficiency in German while studying either in a bustling city like Frankfurt, in a medievalsetting like Marburg, or in the Baroque town of Fulda - just to mention a few.You can choose from as many as 14 different campuses with an almostlimitless choice of academic programs. Hessen's central location makes it ideal for trips to other German regions or European countries.

The intership program European Industrial Experience Mittelhessen (EIEM) at THM (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences) and their partner companies offers great intership opportunities in Business Administration, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Civil Engineering/ Architecture.

Research internships during your summer break (mid November to mid February) under supervision of professors at Hessen universities are possible as well.

International Undergraduate Study Program (IUSP)

The International Undergraduate Study Program (IUSP) at Philipps University Marburg is geared towards students from Australia and the US with no or only little knowledge of German. The semester times are almost equal to US semester times but are also suitable to the academic calendar of some Queensland Universities. The program starts with a six-week intensive German language course, followed by classes in various subject areas that are either taught in English or supplemented by an English tutorial.

Learn more about the IUSPÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster

Intensive German Studies Program (IGSP)

The program at Philipps University Marburg offers two six-week German language classes and a class on German culture and literature.

Learn more aboute the IGSPÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster


Because of the large government subsidies in support of higher education, studying in Hessen may be significantly less expensive than in many other destinations – and with no sacrifice in quality.

The fact that no tuition has to be paid for the vast majority of degree programs is often most surprising to international students, particularly when they discover that this benefit is the same, regardless of nationality. 

A semester fee of roughly 260-360 Euro is charged that also includes a so-called "Semesterticket" with unlimited travel on public transportation or local trains for the whole semester.


General information on grants can be obtained from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) located in Bonn or from its numerous branch offices around the world and from the international office at the university or university of applied sciences of your choice.


University credits can be earned under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in most of the internationally recognised Bachelor and Master study programmes as well as in most of the summer programs offered.

All International Programs, Programs in English and International Summer and Winter Universities award credits.

Helpful Links

General information on studying in Germany and the necessary steps required to gain admission to a university of your choice, are available in English, French, or Spanish from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) in Bonn or from one of its numerous branch offices around the world:

German Academic Exchange Service
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53134 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228 / 882-0
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 882-444
e-mail: Postmaster@daad.de

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